Road to Success ~ Part 1: Making Your Dream Business Come True ~ Biz Whip Podcast with Gene and Laura Davis

Welcome to Business Whip Podcast.

Join energy specialist, author, and
life coach Laura Summers Davis and

business and personal credit expert
Gene Davis as they share their

perspectives to build your business.

Both share a passion of helping
business owners and entrepreneurs

whip their business into shape.

Here are your hosts, Gene and Laura.

Welcome to the series on the
road to a successful business.

Hello, Laura.

Hi, Gene.

Well, this one's going to be a fun one.

I love talking about
successful businesses.

So, you know, I was, I was just thinking,
the very first thing that you have

to do is you have to have a dream.

You have to, you have to have a
dream or the desire to do something

to have that success, right?

I agree completely.

The dream or desire, that burning in
your heart that reminds you that what

you're wanting is completely possible.

Wow, absolutely.

Everything's possible if you really
put your mind to it and focus on it.

So, moving forward and moving
down to the road to success.

just doing it, getting
started is half the battle.

I would agree.

When you have a plan in your mind,
you can make a list a kazillion times.

All the great ideas, all the
things you're going to do, actually

starting with the first step on
that, going, moving, creating action.

You're absolutely right.

More than half the battle.

The battle is getting started, Jane.

I agree with you there for sure.

The other thing is, you know, as you're
becoming successful, you're going to

come across people that may have been
your friends or your co workers or

somebody and you know, they're just not
going to be on the same page as you.

Sometimes they're going to reject you.

They're going to want you to be
successful, but they kind of don't want

you to be successful at the same time.

It's a really a weird
thing I've seen as I have.

Been, you know, growing my
businesses that at times.

The people that you count
on the most really fail you.

I understand completely.

Sad as it may be, I feel that
there are more people out there

right now that are lucrative by
stealing rather than actually.


And what I mean by that is when you have
these people that you thought that you

could turn towards for help and guidance,
they could possibly be the one that takes

your great ideas and runs with it with the
action that we're suggesting today to do.

I've always felt that not just
one person gets that idea.

I feel several times in my life
when I get an idea, I must.

Act immediately because there were
at least a few other people out

there receiving the same impression.

That's because...

It was important.

And when you're doing the rejection part,
you've got to stand strong and tall.

No matter what's going on as you're
growing, invite rejection, I say.

Give yourself the
opportunity to grow faster.

The more you have rejection, the
more you get to learn about your

business, your goals, what you stand
for, and your future results that

are just right around the corner.


You know what?

I was thinking of a song.

One of my favorite songs
is by Cody Johnson.

It's doubt me now.

That's a good one.

You know, it's kind of funny how
they say instead of shooting holes

in my dreams, you know, you ought
to be chasing your own dreams.

if you haven't heard that song,
I would recommend you play it and

then just It's kind of enjoy the
song because it's, it's a cool song.


And it really is exactly what you said,
Gene, as far as there are so many times

that people focus on wanting to destroy
or make your business not profitable

instead of focusing on growing themselves.

Or perhaps they have a big
team and they have the capacity

to do both at the same time.

Either way, it gives
you a good opportunity.

To see what changes you must make with
those that you do have as friends or

business acquaintances, whether they
be a client, a patient, a customer,

it's all very valuable to look at
everything and see what is a win win.

Should it not be a win win, pass right
through it and let's start again.

Win win, start again.

Yes, I've always said that, and it
really does work that way, Gene.

I, I think it does.

I mean, I've seen it happen with you
and with I and with other businesses

and people that we've coached.

So, yes, I agree 100% on that.

maybe we should focus on the desire.

What is desire in the first place?

You know, is it a strong feeling
or a wanting to have something or a

wishing that something would happen?

You know, you have to start with
a dream and then have that desire.

What's, what's the difference
between a dream and a desire?

Oh, wow.

Well, desire, the first
thing I think is passion.

I think to be passionate about
what you do is super important.

There'd be no way that I would ever work
a nine to five, Monday through Friday job.

And have no passion for that job
any more than working a night

shift or a graveyard shift.

And then the dream could possibly be
completely different than what you've

been doing for the last couple of years.

Your dreams that you've had as
you've been growing up, the things

that you have thought of, like, when
I grow up, what do I want to be?

That's your dream.

Yet, The word dream and the word desire
are very, very closely unified, meaning

that your dream really does come from the
initial desire or passion that you had.

And then when you accomplish that
dream, there's no more desire to

have that dream be there, even though
you're living in it and enjoying it.

Does that make sense?

Yes, it does make sense.

And I believe that you get
exactly what you deserve as well.

if you focus on, you know, putting that
energy forth and moving towards your dream

and having that desire to accomplish the
road to success, then that's what you do.

You don't just sit back
and let things happen.

You actually have to do it.

You get to be the one that's in control.

You know, each day, I
mean, is a different day.

So you can wake up every single day
and have a blank sheet of paper there

and you are the author of your day.

You get to create exactly what you
want to have happen in that day.

Things happen, life happens.

However, how you react to that, Is
what's going to make you stand apart.

Something that just crossed my mind
when I'm coaching, when I asked someone,

okay, what is it that you're, you would
want to do for your favorite employment?

And what's interesting is everyone is
really quick to react, including myself.

The first time I was asked that
question, it's like, what do

you want to be when you grow up?

And some of the answers might be okay.

A doctor, a nurse.

A lawyer.

A school teacher.

There's so many different answers,
and yet that's your long term goal.

So when that is your goal, you must
take that and say, okay, to be a

doctor, these are the initial steps.

Finding out what type of education
is required, what type of doctor

you would like to be, and then.

Going towards that, finding
out that information.

Unlike some people that wouldn't
actually accomplish their goal and

they'd sit back and complain and
say, Oh, you know, life is hard.

Things have been too hard on me.

I can't seem to do anything right.

Too much drama.

There's been too much death, too
much life going on in my life.

I say, knock it off right now.


Don't get trapped in that lock.

we all have.

Drama going on in our life.

We all have circumstances every day.

We all have bills.

We all have complications.

We all have people that we have
to, to have disagreements with.

It's not where you're needing to
set yourself aside make yourself

stand alone and feel alone in this.

All of us are completely capable of owning
up to our talents and our abilities.

And I recommend going there.

What are your talents?

What are your abilities?

Should you not be a good cook, I
definitely wouldn't recommend you

opening up a great restaurant unless
you have a really good team of people

that can make that happen for you.

I don't know about you, Gene,
but I love to eat, yet I wouldn't

want that big responsibility.

Of a restaurant ownership,
only because I'm a great cook.

I can cook for millions.

Oh, I know.

It's just, there's a lot more work
behind the scenes on, on that business,

as well as so many other businesses.

And so back to what we were
talking about of moving forward.


And like I said, don't
get trapped into the lock.

You know, the lock is where people think
they get exactly what they deserve.

That's not necessarily true.

You know, a lot of times people.

Have went through maybe the Great
Depression or the crash of 2008 or a

pandemic and their bias will limit you
with what information they're giving you.

So don't, just do not let
somebody trap you into that lock.

Make sure that you're focused
on your goals, your dreams,

your desires, and move forward.

Move past it.

Unlock that lock.

You know, have the key.

The key to unlocking that
lock is first starting with

Having that dream or desire.

Those that are listening, let's
go ahead and make a mental note.

We're going to get started.

First of all, think about one dream
or desire that you've had on the

road to your successful business.

What is that business?

Next, what would be the first three things
you must do to be able to get started

to have that business become successful?

Can you think of those three things?

Have you done research on
the business of your toys?

Do you have background in
the business of your toys?

And then when you take those three things,
let's call them A, B, and C, then you'll

take A and perhaps there's three steps of
1, 2, 3 that you would list under that A.

In other words, Are you
going to have a website?

Do you have a location for your business?

Are you going to start as an LLC?

Questions like that help
you to move forward.

Yeah, you definitely want to
get your dream or your desires,

that passion out and put it on
paper or, you know, computer.

So you have to get it written out.

You have to get it out of your head
and onto something that you can

actually see, because if it's not
written down, it didn't happen.

It won't ever happen.

So you got to make it visible, not only
for yourself, but for others around

you so that they know what your goals
are, what your dreams are, how you want

to proceed, what you're going to do.

And then, at that point, you can get
some good advice from, friends, or, or

family, or, or co workers, or, or somebody
that's in your sphere of influence that

is actually going to help you, not...

But there again, remember, you may
get rejected from those that you

thought would be your friends and
thought that they'd be there for you.

You might have to make some new
friends or make some new business

acquaintances, you know, and that's
okay, because that's part of your growth.

That's part of their growth
is figuring it out too.

Sometimes, just have to.

To do it no matter what.

You know, once you set your
mind to it, then go for it, man.

But make sure that you have it on
something that is written down.

You have to have a plan.

You have to have a plan of attack.

if you don't, man, you're going to fail.

And that leads me to my final suggestion.


No matter how many times you write
a list of the 1, 2, 3's and A,

B, C's, it comes to the results.

I am a firm believer of not having
procrastination the best that you can.

And with accountability, you
can always talk about, okay, I'm

gonna go down and I'm gonna do it.

Go to the recorder's office, I'm gonna pay
this fee so that I can start my licensing.

Well, unless you put a buy date or
a buy when date, or in your calendar

the day that you are committed, 100%.

Like any other appointment that
actually matters to you, you must

make those appointments with yourself
because when you don't put it in

your calendar and you don't say a by
when, number one, most likely it'll

be here next year waiting, and number
two, what kind of feedback is that?

Let's say you schedule something
like today for a month down the road

because you know you're super busy
and you've got everything going on.

Well, a month down the road when
that day comes and that little thing

pops up that says what you must
do and you push it aside and you

does it as if it wasn't even there.

Shame on you!

How many times?

Do you do that?

Don't get mad at me for saying that.

You get mad at yourself.

Talk to yourself.

Listen to yourself.

Then maybe yell at yourself and then talk
calmly to yourself again and push the

restart button and get yourself in gear.

Because the more that you shift
those accountability things that

are on your list that I just taught
you how to do, the longer it'll

take for you to get those things.

That's, that's good advice.

And the other thing that's come to
my mind right now is, when you're

doing something, remember that
it may not be a means to an end.

That's great advice.

Always understand that
there's the means to an end.

There's not always an end of itself.

Sometimes you have to do things that
you may not want to do all the time.

Remember that it's not
just a means to an end.

Sometimes you're just passing
on by and passing through.

Since I'm just passing through,
I'm not going to let it bother me.

I'm not going to let it get in my way.

I'm going to do my very best.

I'm going to keep my mind and my desires
and everything that I have, my goals,

and I'm going to work towards those so
that I can accomplish what I desire.

You must decide what you want, what
your desires are, and go for it.

Don't let anybody stop you.

That's silly.

Make that commitment to yourself,
put it down on paper, and go for it.

I would agree.

And something that I'm very fond of
is the beauty in a man or a woman.

When they take on that success...

the endeavors that go attached with
it, and they're creating those powerful

results, and they get that self esteem
and the confidence, and they're marketing,

and they're deciding, and they're
controlling their lives like never before.

They're having time to themselves,
time to spend with family and friends,

and time to work their booties off.

And when I see that on someone, it
is the most Beautiful look no matter

who they are because you cannot
get that look by any other means.

Yeah, some of the basic things
is planning, staffing, directing,

organizing and controlling and the
things that you want to do on all

that is land, labor, capital, time.

We're going to go over a bunch
of this stuff You're going

to hear visions of success.

Ooh, visions of success.

I like that, Gene.

to summarize what we talked about
today on our podcast discussion, these

are the wonderful things that help
your business to be able to be on the

road to a successful business Stay
focused on your wealth, health, and

live inspired and live with purpose.

Whip your business into shape.

Go for it, guys.

Road to Success ~ Part 1: Making Your Dream Business Come True ~ Biz Whip Podcast with Gene and Laura Davis
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