Power ~ Owning and Maximizing Your Power: (Part 3) ~ Biz Whip Podcast with Gene Davis and Kyle Lum
The Biz Whip Show to Whip Your Business Into Shape! What is Power? Power is the ability to influence the behaviors of others. That's one way. That's one Power. We all have that Power! Power does things! It sparks CHANGE! Discipline yourself to manage your energy, work hard and be physically able to have the Power and the Energy to DO the job well. You want to make sure it feels good to ‘physically’ feel good. That is Power!
The Trick is knowing, How-to:
1) First, “Recognize” that You have Power
2) Train yourself to "Connect with” that Power
3) Learn how to “Use” that Power
4) Last, "Own" that Power every day, in all dealings.
Power comes, while you stay focused on creating more wealth, having better health and living inspired (with purpose), every day!
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The Trick is knowing, How-to:
1) First, “Recognize” that You have Power
2) Train yourself to "Connect with” that Power
3) Learn how to “Use” that Power
4) Last, "Own" that Power every day, in all dealings.
Power comes, while you stay focused on creating more wealth, having better health and living inspired (with purpose), every day!